Tests for trends in time series


The majority of studies focus on detection of linear or monotonic trends, using

  • classical t-test (for linear trends) or
  • rank-based Mann–Kendall test (for monotonic trends)

typically under the assumption of uncorrelated data.

There exist two main problems:

  • dependence effect, that is, the issue of inflating significance due to dependent observations when the test is developed for independent data (always check assumptions of the testing method!), and
  • change points or regime shifts that affect the linear or monotonic trend hypothesis. For example, when testing the null hypothesis (H0) of no trend against the alternative hypothesis (H1) of linear trend, using t-test, it is easier to reject H0 and accept H1 in case A below, than in case B, and especially hard to reject H0 in case C. Case C reminds us that a test with proper alternative hypothesis should be chosen, and that non-rejection of H0 does not mean it is true.

These problems can be addressed by using tests for non-monotonic trends assuming that observations can be autocorrelated.

n <- 100
Time <- c(1:n)
X0 <- arima.sim(list(order = c(1, 0, 0), ar = 0.5), n = n, n.start = 100, sd = 0.5)
X1 <- 2*Time/n + X0
X2 <- 2*(Time/n)^0.5 + X0
X3 <- 0.5*(Time - n/2)/n - 6*((Time - n/2)/n)^2 + X0
X <- as.data.frame(cbind(X0, X1, X2, X3))

The time series above were simulated:
A) X1 with linear trend,
B) X2 with square root – nonlinear monotonic – trend, and
C) X3 with quadratic – nonlinear non-monotonic – trend,
with stationary autocorrelated innovations X0: X0t = 0.5X0t − 1 + et, where et ∼ N(0, 0.52).

Let’s test these time series using the functions from package funtimes, using significance level α = 0.05.

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Testing for presence of a trend

Function notrend_test tests the null hypothesis of no trend against different alternatives defined by the corresponding tests.

Linear trend

Consider the following pair of hypotheses
H0: no trend
H1: linear trend
that can be tested specifically using t-test.

Assuming the time series may be autocorrelated (which is the usual case with observational data), we apply sieve-bootstrap version of the t-test, by adapting the approach of Noguchi, Gel, and Duguay (2011):

#   Sieve-bootstrap Student's t-test for a linear trend
# data:  X0
# Student's t value = -2.6429, p-value = 0.098
# alternative hypothesis: linear trend.
# sample estimates:
# $AR_order
# [1] 1
# $AR_coefficients
#     phi_1 
# 0.4212756

The large p-value correctly indicates that there is not enough evidence to reject the hypothesis of no trend in X0 in favor of the alternative hypothesis of a linear trend.

For the other time series, p-values are reported below:

apply(X[,-1], 2, function(x) notrend_test(x)$p.value)
#    X1    X2    X3 
# 0.000 0.002 0.858

indicating that the null hypothesis of no trend could be rejected and hypothesis of a linear trend could be accepted for X1 and X2. While X3 has a trend (based on the way it was simulated and the time series plot above), the alternative hypothesis of a linear trend does not fit in this case, so the test for linear trend (t-test) failed to reject the null hypothesis.

Monotonic trend

Since a linear trend is also a monotonic trend, we may expect seeing similar results when testing the following pair of hypotheses
H0: no trend
H1: monotonic trend
using Mann–Kendall test.

Apply Mann–Kendall test, also with the sieve-bootstrap enhancement for potentially autocorrelated data; p-values are shown below:

apply(X, 2, function(x) notrend_test(x, test = "MK")$p.value)
#    X0    X1    X2    X3 
# 0.057 0.000 0.000 0.929

indicating that the null hypothesis of no trend could be rejected and hypothesis of a monotonic trend could be accepted for X1 and X2. For X0 and X3, the null hypothesis could not be rejected, because X0 does not have a trend, and X3 has a trend that does not match the alternative hypothesis.

Any trend

If the interest is in testing for any, potentially non-monotonic trend, consider testing the following pair of hypotheses
H0: no trend
H1: any trend
using local regression-based WAVK test (Wang, Akritas, and Van Keilegom 2008).

Apply WAVK test, also with the sieve-bootstrap enhancement for potentially autocorrelated data:

apply(X, 2, function(x) notrend_test(x, test = "WAVK", 
                                     factor.length = "adaptive.selection")$p.value)
#    X0    X1    X2    X3 
# 0.337 0.000 0.026 0.004

The results indicate that WAVK test was correct in non-rejecting the null hypothesis for X0, and correctly rejected it for the time series with trends X1, X2, and X3.

Lyubchich, Gel, and El-Shaarawi (2013) originally implemented hybrid bootstrap to this test statistic, available from the wavk_test function described in the next section.

Testing a specific parametric form of trend

Function wavk_test is developed for the following goodness-of-fit question (Lyubchich, Gel, and El-Shaarawi 2013):
H0: trend is of form f(θ, t)
H1: trend is not of form f(θ, t)
where f belongs to a known family of smooth parametric functions, and θ are its parameters.

Note Considering f(θ, t) being some polynomial function, non-rejection of the null hypothesis means that function f(θ, t) or its simpler form (lower-order polynomial) is sufficient for describing the trend in the tested time series.

Note The case of f(θ, t) ≡ 0 corresponds to testing for no trend (in other words, for a constant trend, same as in the previous section), and the following code differs only in the type of bootstrap used,

  • sieve bootstrap in notrend_test (WAVK statistic is calculated on original time series and simulated autoregressive series) and
  • hybrid bootstrap in wavk_test (WAVK statistic is calculated on time series after the trend f(θ, t) and autoregressive dependence are removed, and on simulated independent normal series)
notrend_test(X0, test = "WAVK", factor.length = "adaptive.selection") # WAVK with sieve bootstrap
#   Sieve-bootstrap WAVK trend test
# data:  X0
# WAVK test statistic = 8.7024, moving window = 4, p-value = 0.37
# alternative hypothesis: (non-)monotonic trend.
# sample estimates:
# $AR_order
# [1] 1
# $AR_coefficients
#     phi_1 
# 0.4212756
wavk_test(X0 ~ 0, factor.length = "adaptive.selection") # WAVK with hybrid bootstrap
#   Trend test by Wang, Akritas, and Van Keilegom (bootstrap p-values)
# data:  X0 
# WAVK test statistic = 0.30965, adaptively selected window = 4, p-value
# = 0.632
# alternative hypothesis: trend is not of the form X0 ~ 0.

To test a linear trend f(θ, t) = θ0 + θ1t, use

wavk_test(X0 ~ t, factor.length = "adaptive.selection")
#   Trend test by Wang, Akritas, and Van Keilegom (bootstrap p-values)
# data:  X0 
# WAVK test statistic = -0.085378, adaptively selected window = 4,
# p-value = 0.98
# alternative hypothesis: trend is not of the form X0 ~ t.

Note that the time sequence t is specified automatically within the function.

For the other time series, p-values are shown below:

apply(X[,-1], 2, function(x) wavk_test(x ~ t, factor.length = "adaptive.selection")$p.value)
#    X1    X2    X3 
# 0.954 0.786 0.020

The function poly could also be used, for example, test quadratic trend f(θ, t) = θ0 + θ1t + θ2t2 and show the trend estimates using the argument out = TRUE:

wavk_test(X3 ~ poly(t, 2), factor.length = "adaptive.selection", out = TRUE)
#   Trend test by Wang, Akritas, and Van Keilegom (bootstrap p-values)
# data:  X3 
# WAVK test statistic = -0.097613, adaptively selected window = 4,
# p-value = 0.896
# alternative hypothesis: trend is not of the form X3 ~ poly(t, 2).
# sample estimates:
# $trend_coefficients
# (Intercept) poly(t, 2)1 poly(t, 2)2 
#  -0.4860421  -0.2358495  -4.7102192 
# $AR_order
# [1] 1
# $AR_coefficients
#     phi_1 
# 0.4193298 
# $all_considered_windows
#  Window WAVK-statistic p-value
#       4    -0.09761277   0.896
#       5    -0.47737630   0.816
#       7    -0.47880434   0.860
#      10    -0.12694875   0.780


This vignette belongs to R package funtimes. If you wish to cite this page, please cite the package:

# To cite package 'funtimes' in publications use:
#   Lyubchich V, Gel Y, Vishwakarma S (2023). _funtimes: Functions for
#   Time Series Analysis_. R package version 9.2.
# A BibTeX entry for LaTeX users is
#   @Manual{,
#     title = {funtimes: Functions for Time Series Analysis},
#     author = {Vyacheslav Lyubchich and Yulia R. Gel and Srishti Vishwakarma},
#     year = {2023},
#     note = {R package version 9.2},
#   }


Lyubchich, V., Y. R. Gel, and A. El-Shaarawi. 2013. “On Detecting Non-Monotonic Trends in Environmental Time Series: A Fusion of Local Regression and Bootstrap.” Environmetrics 24 (4): 209–26. https://doi.org/10.1002/env.2212.
Noguchi, K., Y. R. Gel, and C. R. Duguay. 2011. “Bootstrap-Based Tests for Trends in Hydrological Time Series, with Application to Ice Phenology Data.” Journal of Hydrology 410 (3): 150–61. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2011.09.008.
Wang, L., M. G. Akritas, and I. Van Keilegom. 2008. “An ANOVA-Type Nonparametric Diagnostic Test for Heteroscedastic Regression Models.” Journal of Nonparametric Statistics 20 (5): 365–82.